Those among us lucky enough to be able to afford converting a whole room or at least a big part of it into a gaming room should be very thankful. Every afficionado will tell you that games provide so much fun, but only if the experience of playing them is accompanied with the right ambience. While there might be some other parts of your home that need refurbishing, it’s quite understandable that you’re still investing all your efforts into creating a nook that will provide countless hours of entertainment to yourself, as well as your family and friends.

Every person needs to unwind, relax and deal with the stress of everyday life and if gaming is your thing, there is no better way to help yourself than to upgrade your gaming experience. So, once you find a suitable room, it’s time to equip and decorate it the right way. To help you do that, we’ve prepared the following list of essential tips to help you design your gaming room.

If you’re a gamer, you’re using at least one of these three pieces of equipment and you’re probably aware of their individual advantages and drawbacks. Let’s say you’ve invested heavily in your PC because of its performance and you are completely satisfied with it. However, how do you feel when a friend comes over and wants to play with you? PCs are generally not intended for co-op play. The same goes for laptops.

On the other hand, consoles encourage socialisation, since they are designed to be used by more than one person at a time. They provide fun to more people simultaneously, but with new consoles coming out quite regularly, it’s difficult and expensive to always have the latest model. While you can upgrade your PC or laptop up to a point, there isn’t much you can do when it comes to consoles.

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How much you’ll enjoy playing depends greatly on your internet connection. With most games nowadays requiring an internet connection, even if you’re playing solo, a poor connection can really ruin the whole experience. That’s why it’s recommended you ditch traditional copper-wire internet for a fast and reliable fiber internet package, which will ensure a smooth gaming experience with little or no latency and lagging. Not only will you have an in-game advantage, but you won’t get frustrated or even tempted to lash out at the screen when a poor connection is the reason why you underperformed in a game.

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Comfort matter greatly

Just like any other room in your house, your gaming room needs to be both comfortable and functional. That means you need to find a chair that is comfortable and ergonomic, which will allow you to spend hours and hours sitting on it while playing. If the position of your screen or your chair isn’t suitable, you’ll end up feeling pain in your arms, neck and/or back. You might also consider installing a console-gaming couch with proper lumbar support. Having too many cushions is bad for your health and posture. So, a proper gaming desk and a suitable gaming chair are a must. Ideally, you should add a kitchenette, where you can stock your favourite drinks and snacks and where you can prepare some light dishes without having to leave your favourite room in the house.

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Sound and light

Another element that requires your attention is the ambiance of the room. To begin with, you need proper lighting. We recommend programmable LED lights that can change the colour to suit every occasion. They are quite attractive, relatively inexpensive now and they really last long. Also, to be able to enjoy playing games, you should make sure you have the right sound system. Needless to say, you should invest in quality headphones, but you also need a good surround-sound system when your friends come over.

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Size does matter

If you enjoy co-op console play with friends and family, you need to boost the gaming experience by mounting a huge HD TV on the wall. Go for a full-HD curved display with a massive refresh rate make the most of the time spent playing. As you might expect, such TVs don’t come cheap. However, if you are really committed to gaming, you should see it as an investment, rather than as an expenditure. After all, there are very few hobbies that don’t require some kind of investment.

So, if you’re really into gaming, you have a very good excuse to convert a room in your house into a gaming room. How you go about it depends on many factors, such as money and time available, but the most important thing is to persist. Once you know what you want and how much money you need, you can divide the project into phases and take one step at a time.

Dan Radak is a marketing professional with twelve years of experience. He is currently working with a number of companies in the field of digital marketing, closely collaborating with a couple of e-commerce companies. He is also a coauthor on several technology websites and regular contributor to Technivorz.

And if you like to play games on your tablet and you want a resistant model have a look at this article – Best Rugged Tablet Windows 10 .